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Natural casings have been used for many years in the production of sausages and other meat products. Below are some of their benefits: Flavor: Natural casings have a unique flavor that cannot be obtained with other types of casings. This is because casings allow the...

Alimentaria is a fair for the hotel and the food industry sector. The 2020 edition and later 2021 could not be held due to the pandemic. Fortunately, from April 4 to 7 we will have the opportunity to meet again at one of the most...

From Tripnet we would like to congratulate the winners of the 7th National Artisan Egg Sausage Competition, Enric Rosell from Ca l’Estevet (Ordal) in the traditional egg sausage category; in the category of unique egg sausage, to Francesc Colom from Carnisseria Colom-Vila (Manlleu) and in...

L'Associació Europea de Tripa Natural (ENSCA) ha elaborat una Guia Comunitària de Bones Pràctiques d'higiene i aplicació dels principis d'APPCC...